three minute parsha

Toldos, 'The Unexpected Voice' - 3 Minute Parenting Through the Parsha, Rabbi Y Freundlich,

Three Minute Parsha: Spiritual Rains and Dews

Three Minute Parsha: Two Types of Sweetness

Yayeira, 'Let Them Hear it, Too', 3 Minute ParentingTHrough the Parsha, Rabbi Y Freundlich,

Three Minute Parsha: The Farmer’s Basket

3 Minute (Animated!) Parenting Through the Parsha, The Art of Complaining, Y Freundlich

(Animated) 3 minute Parenting Through the Parsha, Let it Go, Rabbi Y Freundlich, Behar

(12) 'Lazy Children', 3 Minute Parenting Through the Parsha, Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich, Vayakhel

Parsha in a minute - Tazria

Parsha in a minute - Vayeira

Three Minute Parsha: Webster’s Dictionary and Esav Spurning the Birthright

Makor Three Minute Video- Parshat Ki Tavo

(20) 'Let it Go' - 3 Minute Parenting Through the Parsha, Rabbi Y Freundlich, Behar

Bereishis, 'The 89' - 3 Minute Parenting Through the Parsha, Rabbi Y Freundlich

Parsha in a minute - Vayakhel

Noach, 'Annoying Questions' - 3 Minute Parenting Through The Parsha, Rabbi Y Freundlich

Parsha in a minute - Shlach Lecha

(18) 'Winning with Words', 3 Minute Parenting Through the Parsha, Rabbi Y Freundlich, Kedoshim

Parsha in a minute - Bereshit

Parsha Korach in 7 Minutes | Mini Lesson with Rabbi

Noach, 'Plausible Praise' - 3 Minute Parenting Through the Parsha, Rabbi Y Freundlich

(15) 'Right Time, Right Place', 3 Minute Parenting Through the Parsha, Rabbi Y Freundlich, Tzav

Bereishis, 'Where are you?' - 3 Minute Parenting Through The Parsha, Rabbi Y Freundlich,

Rabbi Weiss Three Minute Video- Parshat Ki Tzetzei